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18 September 2013


Hai uols semua.. hari ni teman nak share tentang penting mengetahui cara menjaga kesihatan mata kita.. Sebenarnya teman saja nak simpan entri ni untuk rujukan teman sendiri, tapi macam biasalah.. kalau dah buat entri dah tentu orang lain pun turut membaca sama.. teman lagi suka kalau dapat share sama2 kann.. tapi harap sangat jangan pulak yang kata teman buat entri copy paste yea.. teman just nak simpan artikel ni untuk diri sendiri, nanti bila nak baca balik senang.. thanx my lovely friend lili.. heee...

heee.. artikel ni teman dapat dari member teman, dia selalu buka stumbleupon tu.. dia share kan dekat teman sebab teman ni selalu jea selamber badak x jaga mata.. heee.. maksud teman, bila cuaca panas terik, kua umah macam tu jea.. x pakai sunglasses..selumber jugak tenung matahari tu..aisshhh.. he2.. tapi sekarang dah start pakai sunglasses dah.. mana idaknya, mata pedih jea sekarang ni bila dok tengah2 panas terik..kecik jea mata teman ngadap matahari.. macam tak bole nak bukak mata jea rasanya.. hu2.. makanya sunglasseslah cara terbaek untuk elak mata kecik (pedih).. Opss.. nak pilih sunglasses pun ada cara nya yea.. bukan main pilih n pakai jea yea..  Baca kat atas ni ada tips pilih sunglasses..

Okeh.. apa lagi.. jom kita baca artikel kat bawah ni.. Sebelum tu baca artikel yang tertulis dalam gambo kat atas tu dulu yea! berkenaan tentang bagaimana kesan matahari kepada mata kita.. baca yea! jangan maleh!

Any health savvy person knows by now that one of the best ways to protect your body from harmful UV rays is to slather on the SPF -- but you might be forgetting one important part: your eyes.
"Obviously you can't put sunscreen on them," says Anne Sumers, M.D., a spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology who is in private practice in Ridgewood, New Jersey. "[Sunglasses are] the only way to protect your eyes."
Exposing your peepers to the sun could trigger a host of serious health problems, including painful sunburns and cataracts. What's worse, buying sunglasses can be a complicated, cryptic process (what do those labels mean, anyhow?). So we asked Sumers and William Brown, O.D., Ph.D., of the department of ophthalmology at the Mayo Clinic, to help us break down what's happening to the naked eye when it's exposed to the sun -- and exactly how to choose the right sunglasses to protect it.
Both experts caution that wearing sunglasses is particularly important for kids, who still have a whole lifetime of UV exposure ahead of them. Plus, even more UV light reaches children's retinas compared to older people, according to Brown.
It's also important to note that this graphic looks at how the sun affects eye health, not indoor tanning booths -- these beds can produce UV levels up to 100 times of that of the sun. They're best avoided (for reasons beyond eye health), but if you're going to use them it's imperative to sport protective goggles (closing your eyes won't do the trick).
And no matter how good your eye protection, never look directly into the sun, especially during an eclipse. "It's much the same effect as taking a magnifying lens and focusing the sun onto a piece of paper," Brown says. "You can actually set the paper on fire."

Nak tahu lagi?? klik sini---> 10 MAKANAN TERBAIK UNTUK MATA

21 ulasan:

  1. good sharing, though :) memang pedih kalo stare directly into the sun.

  2. seriously mmg penting..sekarang nih pulak cuaca panas jer kalau tengahari..kene jaga.

  3. sunglass bkn setakat utk style tapi juga protection ...

  4. thx for the info...jarang la plak nk pandang cahaya matahari tu terus pernah kut pandang...hehehe...pedih mata dibuatnya..

  5. betul tu kak..^^ sharing is caring :)

  6. Assalamualaikum kak, thanks sharing! heeeeee

  7. salam. sy pakai kaca mata yg ada multicoated utk lindungi mata.

  8. Saya dan spec mata hitam bonia xdapat dipisahkan...dah 4 tahun setia dgnnya..

  9. udah kunjungbalas semua yang komen sini.. thanx semua


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